Homework 6 - Malicious Comments Identification
### 5/3 * train_x.csv has duplicate sentences from id 119018-119999 #### 5/2 * HW6 sample code release! * Strong baseline release! #### 4/25 * HW6 release! * HW6 raw data in ceiba!Links
* 作業投影片 * Kaggle 連結 * Report 模板 * 遲交表單 * Sample code * Facebook DiscussionDeadlines
* Simple Bonus Deadline: 05/02/2019 11:59:59 (GMT+8) * Kaggle Deadline: 05/09/2019 11:59:59 (GMT+8) * Github Deadline: 05/10/2019 23:59:59 (GMT+8)Assignment Regulation
* ALL code must be written in python3.6 * For `hw6_train.sh` and `hw6_test.sh` : * ALL python standard library is permitted (e.g. sys, csv, time) * numpy >=1.14 * pandas >= 0.24.1 * PyTorch 1.0.1, TensorFlow 1.12.0, Keras == 2.2.4 * jieba 0.39 * gensim 3.7.1 ( 只可使用 word2vec api !! ) * emoji 0.5.1FAQ
Q2:reproduce 規則?
1. reproduce時間限制10分鐘不包含下載時間
2. reproduce誤差為±0.2%
3. reproduce標準為kaggle勾選的二擇一即可
4. baseline分數以kaggle為準